#personal crap haha
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pallanophblargh · 1 year ago
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I’ve basically been dead as far as online presence and art is concerned, mostly due to keeping busy with life stuff. There is currently a recently spayed cat wearing a shirt in my house, I’m playing houseplant musical chairs, that kind of stuff.
But here’s a few crude scribbles of a curly ‘noph lady who I’m finding fun to draw. I should compile another pallanoph sketch dump when I’m less lazy.
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shinymoonbraixen · 3 months ago
Crappost about stuff
Me: Kendra rules over Jason!
My bro: I've seen you've chosen death.
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wahroh · 7 months ago
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While kung foo fighting . . .
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goldenstarprincesses · 1 year ago
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A. Kirkland- Pitbrow Woman, '81
In the last month or so, my interest in nyo!England has blossomed. Yet, I have long disliked the canon stylization of the character.
Ms. Alice Kirkland has never been one to shy away from physical labor or the harsh realties of her own people. Even at the height of her international power, it was rare that- unless directly requested by the monarch or prime minster- that she lived among the aristocrats for long periods of time. A stark difference between her and her French counterpart. While her rebellious days as a sailor were behind her, throughout the 1800s it was not uncommon to find her either in the mines, in a factory, or tending to her own country estate farm.
References and Inspirations bellow cut, Programs used: MS Paint and Krita
I could not have done any of this without these references.
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fanfic-inator795 · 9 months ago
I've talked a lot on here about my favorite characters, but what about some of my LEAST favorite characters?
Honestly, I don't have too many characters that I just hate with a burning passion or anything like that... but there are def characters that truly get under my skin. So let's have some fun and rant for a bit, shall we? Starting with least hated to most:
Sadie Miller (Steven Universe): Gonna be honest, a big reason why I dislike this character is because of her voice. No disrespect to Kate Micucci, but MAN her voice is just so grating to me personally (tbf, I feel the same way about Greg Cipes). As for the character herself, she's just incredibly whiny and annoying imo. I couldn't really relate to her frustrations with her mother, and that whole mess with her and Lars was just... yeah. Still can't really overlook the whole Stranded Island incident. Say what you will about how terrible Lars can be, but at least Lars can be funny and interesting sometimes. I just don't care for Sadie at all.
Mo Morrison (Lightyear): Laying out my biases here, I really don't like Lightyear in general, it's a very frustrating and agitating film to me personally, I could honestly rant about that movie for hours. But beyond the story/plot issues, Mo is just a very annoying character to me. They try SO hard to push him to be the comedy relief, and it just does not work. Then, when they try to push him as the team screw-up, they push too hard and just make him frustrating to watch since he literally can't do anything right and doesn't get a win until the payoff with the stupid spacesuit pen. Literally every scene with him just ends up making me go "goddamn it, Mo, why are you even here??"
Mr. Herriman (Foster's Home): As a kid who was a big fan of Frankie growing up, it shouldn't be surprising just how much I hate this rabbit. I think what really gets me is how callous and unfair he can be, with stuff like "Imposters Home for uh Make-em-up Pals", "Crime After Crime" and "Setting a President" showing him at his absolute worst. An all-around VERY frustrating and unsympathetic character to me, worse so than Bloo or any of the show's actual villains. Honestly, it makes me sad that we don't get to see more of his softer side - i.e. the life-long friendship he has with Madame Foster/the stuff that makes Madame Foster love him - as that easily could have saved his character. But for the most part, he just comes off as a huge jerk.
Stickler (The Cuphead Show): Similarly to Herriman, I think I just get incredibly annoyed with characters who put rules and procedure above everything else. What makes Stickler worse though is the voice they gave him, as while it's kinda funny in his first couple appearances, by season 3 I'm cringing just as much as Devil does whenever he pops up. They also amp up his jerkiness and pushiness in the later episodes - and while I get WHY they need to, given how distracted Devil gets, it's still a tad annoying imo.
Dr. Owen Hunt (Grey's Anatomy): Literally my least favorite character EVER. This guy... he really is just the WORST. And yes, I know there are in-universe reasons for how he acts, but when he continues being a shitty person to his wives and others, I stop caring about those reasons. He's a huge hypocrite on most things, has a 'my way is always right'/'My way or the highway' mentality, and he's just such a baby whenever he doesn't get his way or when he has to face consequences. YES, I KNOW, on Grey's pretty much everyone is a shitty person in some way because it's a dramatic medical soap opera and they need drama, but Owen really does just get under my skin the most with how stubborn and 'holier than thou' he acts a lot of the time.
...That being said, if any of my followers actually like these characters, no disrespect to you. In fact, I'd love to know WHY you like these characters, as perhaps I can get a new perspective on them.
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years ago
That aside, what is up with the whole A//O3 drama right now?? I keep hearing “oh the platform is so bad and is encourages/ endorses abuse, pedophilia, etc.” and then I hear people go “oh it supports creative freedom and builds the foundation of fandom” and I have NO CLUE how it sparked or what it’s about. I’ve read AO3 stuff like… twice
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zukoromantic · 2 years ago
Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, Episode 16 but only Battamonda's scenes
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hyacinthquetzal · 1 year ago
Just saw the FNAF movie, and I can already see myself talking about it to new, younger kids in the future like, yeah, that came out when I was 16, it was so long ago 😂 It’s so fascinating and cool and borderline fever-dream-ish to see it on a theatre screen when you’ve known it as games and art your whole life— especially with the visual references and the sound design. I can see this becoming nostalgic reaaally quick— and with so many people cosplaying at the theaters as well, maybe including myself? I mean, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of sudden jumpscares, as that is what the games use as their mane scare tactic. Also the random change of lore a tad? I’ll uhhhh. Vibe with it.
It was crazy to see everyone absolutely going hard XD I went low key, but I still got recognized a few times, it was pretty awesome! It was so cool to see everyone excited and coming together over a shared interest. It’s like going to a football game and finding someone wearing the same jersey as your own, I suppose! I’ve never been super hardcore in the fandom, but seeing the community in person and the excitement and creativity and the dedication— it’s something I respect. Y’all go and be awesome, guys.
Also spoilers below here for a single sentence about something I noticed —————
Micheal getting yeeted and having a short-lived toss-across-a-table throw-down match with Peepaw Willy was 100% something I did not expect, but 100% something I needed to see, regardless if I knew it or not 😂 also that design and literally every small detail. I can tell you that me and my friend were death gripping each other and they were digging their nails into my arm in excitement, my gosh XD It was a super great experience, even if I’m not one for horror. I’m glad I went!
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years ago
I don't understand the aggressiveness of the last anon. Just because Harry tm is a manufactured product whose ersatz public friendships are shitbags doesn't mean he doesn't have real friends. Except we can't see them. And he must not have many (his finsta barely follows thirty accounts). The fault certainly with Harry tm which suffocates the true Harry. And that certainly doesn't mean the real Harry is like them (the Harry of 2015 isn't like them in any way)
I think one of the achievements of Harry’s team was to blend so unmistakably well Harry with Harry Styles TM. People get them confused lmao
I know for a fact he does have normal friends, always rich but at least not leech (Veltroni anon to thank). So yeah, I stand by my idea that all we see his business, even the people we see him with.
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omegamoo · 2 years ago
my ask is to tell me more about the whittled pantheon (i am lost and confused so ig this is an infodump request if you want!)
EEEHEHHEHRHEHEHEHEHREHAHRJA. hi! sorry infodumpijgabt the whittled pantheon is truly the best thing ever!!!
you can always find stuff here <- takes you to the explanations tag on my blog w other more coherent worldbuilding rambles! there’s also one specifically about iota but admittedly that one’s a mess haha
and i’m putting this under the cut uhhh yeah i’m soooo normal abt this. this is so long read as much or as little as you please
n e ways. whittled pantheon speedrun. it’s a group project that started with a bunch of my friends fuxking around on minecraft but became so much more. tgm, twig, and i are p much the only ones still working on it as it’s been well over a year, and we plan on making it into a webcomic of sorts! it’s no longer mc at all and rn we don’t have a lot of prose/comics actually written but i’m working on it (a friend was like can i read it and i was like well. haha u can read disconnected shit but…)
ANYWAYS. the story itself centers around eleven gods/demigods :] they’ve been carved (for the most part) by a being named the Carver, who is part of a species that’s supposed to activate life-supporting gods called “failsafes” to each planet, but this one branches out and carves other gods instead.
broadly the story is about the good/bad nature of humanity, love, grief/loss, healing, immortality, moral compasses, and it’s a bit of commentary on the world as we know it today. ha
there are two main planets - the ones where gods are originally carved, and the one they flee to when the first one is ruined. here is a post i made a bit ago about some of the planet/universe worldbuilding if u want details
the story is told by two of the gods mostly in hindsight, but also by snapshots/comics of the gods and writings that they/various mortals left behind. we’re working on sorting out how much will be folk stories and such
also the world has its own language setup, map, regions of trade/climate, seasons/calendar… can you tell we think abt this a lot haha
anyways. the plot is multilayered due to the fact that it started as an mcrp server and now there are many gods doing many things, so uh hmm not going to be giving u a plot synopsis on this post bc that would be a hot mess and too long!! but maybe l8er maybe i’ll make another cast list in a minute tho and u can ask for details idk idk i don’t wanna keep rambling for too long ha. ha
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spectrearia · 1 year ago
Hello Builder!! :D
sharing another fun modded song for Project Diva; wasn't able to beat my high score here, but I'd say this was still a decently good run for being one of the trickier charts, haha
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mamaluigicrucifixion · 1 year ago
What the hell is my problem... Is it too deeply hidden in the broken chasms of my psyche for me to find... Hate talking in cryptic rhymes... All we need is love.
Real talk I need a guardianship lawyer or something.. how is it a good idea to leave the ward by himself at a dingey rehab facility in a 3rd world country while you the guardians fly back to the US. All over a dumb argument about respecting each other in which the guardian threatened me with physical violence and nonsensical incarceration. Yes, according to the statutes the ward still completely has the right to at least have a say and prior conversation in major decisions such as relocation of residency. Also, actions taken on behalf of the ward are supposed to be in the ward's best interest. I completely disagree that it was ever in my best interest to stay at foreign rehab facilities and try to study abroad when I could've studied in state. The amount of trauma I have from that first facility in Colombia was not worth the amount of behavioral correction to me. I have nightmares to this day about that place and it was like 2 years ago now. I understand that they want me to learn my heritage's language, but forcing me to study at a university level in a language I'm not so fluent in at that level just seems like a waste of time and money imo. My dad seems to think quite the opposite. And now I've lost all my benefits and supposedly had 14 grand in debt to social security...
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fanaticalthings · 9 months ago
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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fanfic-inator795 · 1 year ago
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Tessa made me a Jeoff-themed bracelet and I love it sooooo much!! ^v^ 💚💜
I actually made the Shrinky Dink charm myself (didn’t shrink as much as I thought it would tbh but whatevs, lol) but Tess was the one who picked out/arranged the beads and made the bracelet and she did SUCH a good job on it ahhhhh~!!
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shrimperini · 1 year ago
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first batch of portal refs done!! the second will come soon (i hope) it will include spin off and mod characters as well :D
android AU: everything stays the same but the robots are more humanoid. thats it really xD
human AU: set in 2010. quite a few things change (i oc-ify the characters pretty much). the main things to note is that it’s a lot of what if scenarios. what if the resonance cascade in black mesa never happened, what if caroline had a daughter (gladys, so glados and caroline aren’t the same person in the AU. i wanted to explore the possibility of them being two separate people haha), what if the disk operating system project was put into halt and AI never took over. in the AU black mesa and aperture are still rivals in the development of teleportation technology, portals are still being experimented on, human test subjects are paid to test, they don’t go through cryo sleep stasis but live their life at aperture in dormitories (let me slice of life portal okay im self indulgent). Aperture still has questionable work ethics and morals but things work slightly more differently. Gladys is the CEO of aperture and she pushes for a lot of work to be done so they can surpass black mesa. Also important to note, Chell registers as a test subject for the cash deal but she also aims to investigate what really happened to her adoptive father who died at Aperture.
that’s the main essence of the au, still working on it and some plots here and there but, like most of my fandom aus, it’s really self indulgent slice of life crap LOL
if you have questions or feedback don’t hesitate to let me know! :>
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